In Our Arms
A Journal by Muslim Women on Sex
The intentions behind this zine project was to put together a resource, a guide, a something for Muslim to talk to other Muslim women about sex and sexuality. And not sex in a simple how-to sex guide but a resource which explores how we connect these issues with our faith. How we share our stories of struggle and acceptance, how we challenge the way we see and speak to ourselves (and each other) when it comes to sex. This zine couldn’t have been possible without the love, talents and generosity of so many amazing women who shared their stories and their creativity. I want to thank Sofia for telling me to go and do this thing already; Rose for her enthusiasm very early on; Heiba for her encouragement when the scale of the challenge got daunting; Abeera for holding and sewing together this work so beautifully; Saffa for the beautiful cover and Shaheen for her constant support and guidance on this entire project and helping me navigate this new space with kindness and consideration. Thanks to my two sisters Sumaiya and Sana for their constant help and honesty; and thanks to my mother, my dear aunty Sarah and my grandmother. A final thank you to my partner for his kindness, always.
This zine project is the product of many late night conversations and also a snapshot into a very particular moment that we are sharing with each other right now.
May it be received in the same intentions it was made. Arwa
This zine (well, mainly the printing costs) was supported by Arts Council funding.